“The easier we make it for people to get vaccinated, the more people will get vaccinated”
Another reason to follow @miamalan. She displays so much common sense and insight in her reporting. https://t.co/MVBnPfiCaq
— Marika Sboros - Journalist, editor, writer. (@MarikaSboros) August 23, 2021
Our Chairman Yaseen Theba joins Mia Malan this morning from just after 9am on @Newzroom405 to discuss and unpack #VacciNation drive-thru site, learnings, lessons & successes.
— Muslim Association of South Africa (@MuslimAssocSA) August 22, 2021
We are looking forward to this engagement after a record number of Vaccinations yesterday.
Tune in 📺 pic.twitter.com/KPqUasre5u
Another reason to follow @miamalan. She displays so much common sense and insight in her reporting. https://t.co/MVBnPfiCaq
— Marika Sboros - Journalist, editor, writer. (@MarikaSboros) August 23, 2021