- Al Imdaad
- Jamiatul Ulama, South Africa
- Saberie Chisti
- Al Tawheed
- Fordsburg Muslim Youth Organisation
- Al Ihya Foundation Ennerdale
- My Friends Community
- Madrassah Ihya a-Deen Lenasia
- Gift of The Merciful
- Muslim Zakat and Charity Fund
All Zakaat Collections for 2019 and 2020 have been discharged
All Zakaat Collections for 2019 and 2020 have been discharged
13th May 2021 @ 1pm
Local is First
Masa Has chosen to focus upon needs within the local South African Community.
Our religious responsibility in terms of social welfare relates to the entire ummah of Rasulullah (SAW).
However, the order in which the responsibility is to be dispersed (after the aspect of severe need has been established), is first to our family (excluding direct dependents), our immediate community, the larger community within which we live and thereafter those further away.
Thus, after careful consideration, MASA has chosen for now, to focus more strongly upon the needs of the South African Community.
Partnering with Local Community Organisations
It is not possible for MASA or any other larger welfare organization to have a thorough intimate knowledge of the individuals of every community where assistance is provided.
Local community members who are involved in the sphere of social welfare, are able to distinguish between those who are really in need and those who present fallacious information to gain benefits. They are able to recognize when multiple members of families apply individually for assistance. They are in the know of those collecting from multiple sources etc.
MASA thus depends upon and utilizes the service and assistance of local community organisations to facilitate the fair and correct distribution of food hampers etc.
Collaboration with other Organisations
MASA considers the distribution of charity as religious duty and trust that is to be fulfilled in the best way possible, using the best means available.
The aspect of collaboration and coordination of efforts is something MASA has engaged in and encouraged.
MASA makes it clear that it has an open-door policy with regard to collaboration with other organisations.
Last year MASA partnered with Islamic Relief, Africa Muslim Agency, Al-Imdaad, Jamiatul Ulama, MedSA, Hubbul Masakeen, Darul Ihsan and many other organisations in the distribution of zakat hampers.
This year MASA has already collaborated with AL Imdaad, Islamic Relief, Jamiatul Ulama, Saberie Chisti, Al Tawheed, Hubbul Masaakeen, Africa Muslim Agency, FMYO, ….
Zakat Eligibility Conformity
The disbursement of Zakaat is a major responsibility and amaanah upon the shoulders of those charged with this difficult task.
Not only are the funds a financial amaanah, but the fact that Zakaat is the 3rd pillar and a compulsory ibaadah, makes the responsibility so much greater. The failure to disburse the zakat in the correct manner has a direct impact on the compulsory ibaadat and worship of the individuals who have entrusted MASA
Thus MASA takes extra care and caution in the distribution of the zakaah.
Eligibility of the recipients is carefully scrutinized. Local organisations interview each individual and ascertain their Zakaat eligibility according to set criterion. Complete recipient lists are obtained with names, ID and contact details.
MASA examines the lists, question and obtain clarity and assurance from the local organisations.
In Addition MASA, also does random checks on individuals, telephonically and at distribution points, to ensure that recipients are eligible for Zakaat.
Giving of That Which We Love
“None of you [believers] will attain true piety unless you give out of what you cherish” Al-Imran 3:92
Our beautiful deen teaches to give of the best to those in need.
MASA believes that if the food hamper is meant for the month of Ramadaan, then it should last the month. The hampers are therefore generous (without being wasteful or extravagant) and provide a variety of items that can be used for Sehri and Iftaar. Items in the hamper include rice, mielie meal, cake flour, oil, pasta, sugar, and salt. It also includes various tinned items such as baked beans and mixed vegetables as well as soups, noodles, soya and other quick cook items. Morvite, oats, peanut butter, jam, and biscuits aim to provide a good Suhoor. Washing powder, soap and toothpaste is also provided.
100% of your Contributions Distributed without Delay
MASA has a strict policy that 100% of the funds received for charitable purposes (Zakaat, Sadaqah etc.) are distributed or dispensed to the intended recipients.
MASA does not the contributed funds for administrative purposes, packaging and preparation or any other logistical costs.
MASA does not use any of the contributed funds for employing persons for any work related to the distribution of hampers, storage, packaging, or any other related tasks, even in the MASA office.
Operational Costs
Administration and operational costs are an important part of making any NGO’s activities viable. The Muslim Association of South Africa follows a strict 100% donations policy which means that every cent donated to a given project is utilized for that project only with no commissions, operational costs or administration cost fees being deducted.
This means that all administrative and operational costs must be specifically donated towards separately, to ensure the organisation’s activities can be sustained.
Our work is carried out by experienced, and committed volunteers and is overseen by trustees with professional management and charity sector experience.
None of our work is outsourced to other agencies, thus preventing possible conflicts of interest, and the Association takes complete ownership for delivering aid and fulfilling projects with absolute transparency and integrity.
This is why we have a 100% donation policy; 100% ZAKAAT – 100% LILLAH – 100% TRUST
To cover our administration costs, we use funds received for each, individual clearly identified, specific purpose,. These funds are obtained from institutional donors and members, and /or direct donations from community members, that sponsor directly towards the functioning and logistics of the campaigns.
A separate account is created for such funds.
Members wishing to contribute towards this can use the following Account Details:
First National Bank (FNB)
Account Number: 62790035672
Branch Code is: 253305
Ref: (Donor Name)
Transparency and Accountability
MASA asserts its commitment and willingness to make all its actions open and transparent to all its stakeholders.
Transparency and accountability are essential ingredients of establishing a relationship of trust with the community.
It forms the foundation of an environment which is free from the misuse and the misappropriation of funds, or any unethical or irresponsible actions. It creates an environment where persons will act with integrity or correct errors that may have inadvertently been made.
MASA commits to make any and all documents, records and reports available to stakeholders for reasonable reasons and by prior arrangement, taking into consideration the privacy of donors and recipients.
May The Almighty guide us in every step of everything we do, make it possible to fulfill the Amaanah in the most perfect and excellent manner, both in the dissemination and disbursement of funds, as well as in the respectful and dignified fulfillment of the rights of those who are rightful recipients.
Donations change and save lives.
They feed the hungry, treat the sick and educate the child. It’s for this reason Muslim Association of South Africa runs a 100% donations policy.
A 100% donations policy means every single cent donated is used strictly for charitable efforts. Donations go into a ‘charity-only’ bank account from which nothing is removed for fundraising, travel, salaries or administration costs.
Zakaat Hamper Items :
- 5kg Sugar
- 5kg Maize Meal
- 750g Cremora
- 1x 5 Pack Noodles
- 1kg Porridge
- 1lt Fusion Juice
- 2x 200g Soya
- 1x Toothpaste
- 2.5kg Cake flour
- 2lt Oil
- 500g Peanut Butter
- 480g Ja
- 1x 100s Teabag
- 1x Mageu
- 250g Rice Meal
- 2kg Washing Powder.
- 5kg Rice
- 6x 410g Baked Beans
- 2x 400g Spaghetti
- 1kg Corn Flakes
- 100g Coffe
- 4x 410g Mixed Vegetables
- 2x 410g Veg Curry
- 90Lt Plastic Tub
- 2x 400g Macaroni
- 3x 1lt Milk
- 10x Soup
- Biscuits
- 1kg Salt
- 200g Crown Spice
- 3x Soap
- 1x Toothpaste

Distribution Collaborations :
- Some of the more well-known organisations who have assisted in the distribution of MASA Ramadan hampers, include:
Areas distributed :
- Some Of The Areas Distributed To Include:
- Ennerdale
- Lenasia South
- Maraisburg
- Yeoville
- Crown Mines
- Orlando East – Soweto
- Emdeni – Soweto
- Kathlehong
- Lenasia Greyville
- Lenasia – Extensions
- Walkerville
- Crosby
- Eldorado Park
- Mayfair
- Lotus Gardens
- Zakariyyah Park
- Bela Bela
- Nylstroom
- Eden Park
- Orange Farm
- Florida
- Bosmont
- Laudium
- Mabopane
Zakaat packaging at the warehouse continues as the support crew are pushing towards getting maximum hampers out to families as quick as possible. #ZakaatHamperDistribution #Ramadan #FoodHampers #Zakaat #RamadanDistribution #MuslimAssociationOfSouthAfrica @yaseentheba pic.twitter.com/Sg1xutIblA
— Muslim Association of South Africa (@MuslimAssocSA) May 2, 2021
Our core volunteer group continues with packing at the warehouse this morning whilst our second core volunteer group are on the ground this morning overseeing distribution in #Ennerdale with @Alimdaad #FoodHampers #RamadanDistribution #Zakaat pic.twitter.com/0wgfwArnu4
— Muslim Association of South Africa (@MuslimAssocSA) April 18, 2021
Groceries and stock is being delivered and offloaded ahead of the packing and distribution this weekend. #Ramadan #ZakaatHamperDistribution #RamadanDistribution #Zakaat #MuslimAssociationOfSouthAfrica
— Muslim Association of South Africa (@MuslimAssocSA) April 23, 2021
📌 Johannesburg. South Africa pic.twitter.com/TMfHGmeHMV
We continue packing Zakaat hampers for distribution. Please continue to support #RamadanDistribution
— Muslim Association of South Africa (@MuslimAssocSA) April 25, 2021
May Allah SWT accept all of our efforts, sacrifice & continue to bless our Ummah 🤲🏽
Banking Details -Zakaat Account
FNB: 62779526270
Branch Code: 253305
Ref: Donor Name pic.twitter.com/PX2z3cwELP
Jazakallahu khairan to all the volunteers last weekend - Alhamdulillah last weekend we packed & distributed 1500 hampers.
— Muslim Association of South Africa (@MuslimAssocSA) April 23, 2021
Join us again this weekend as we continue to pack our Ramadan hampers. #FoodHampers #Zakaat #RamadanDistribution #Ramadan #ZakaatHamperDistribution pic.twitter.com/gmTlSlx1Hk
#RamadanDistribution food hamper distributions took place in Mayfair this afternoon.#Ramadan #Zakaat #FoodHampers #ZakaatHamperDistribution #MASA #MuslimAssociationOfSouthAfrica pic.twitter.com/XLsrQMw6mb
— Muslim Association of South Africa (@MuslimAssocSA) April 24, 2021
Al-Imdaad Foundation and @MuslimAssocSA partner to deliver high-value Ramadan food hampers to struggling families in the Southern region of Johannesburg including Ennerdale, Finetown and surrounding areas.#alimdaad #muslimassociationofsouthafrica #southafrica #ramadan #foodaid pic.twitter.com/BujHx4Nzgf
— Al-Imdaad Foundation (@Alimdaad) April 19, 2021
Distributions continue today 🤲🏽#ZakaatHamperDistribution #Ramadan #FoodHampers #Zakaat #RamadanDistribution #MuslimAssociationOfSouthAfrica pic.twitter.com/GqZsoA2Ue8
— Muslim Association of South Africa (@MuslimAssocSA) April 26, 2021