Press Statement
2nd October 2021
Jamiatul Ulama South Africa (JUSA) and the Muslim Association of South Africa’s (MASA) joined forces in the vaccination drive themed Vooma Vaccination Weekend, to get the community of Soweto vaccinated at the Al Ansaar Masjid in Orlando East on 1st October 2021 from 11am – 3pm.
This campaign will form part of a series of outreaches under this banner in which leadership from across the political spectrum, faith-based formations, civil society, traditional leaders, labour and business will mobilise communities to stay safe by being vaccinated. President Cyril Ramaphosa took lead on the inaugural Vooma Vaccination Weekend in Katlehong, Gauteng.
“South Africans must work together to end the pandemic and recover better together for a more equal future. If we are united, we can emerge from this crisis stronger and safer and get back on track to ending extreme poverty” – said Arshad Bodiat, spokesperson for MASA
“We cannot lose momentum in our quest to vaccinate the nation, because this is now a collective responsibility” – an important call to action from MASA: the NPO that launched the benchmark #VacciNation drive-thru site at the Houghton Masjid that vaccinated over 60 thousand people in 54 days.
Over the next few weeks members of our volunteer team and healthcare professionals will identify areas and communities that demand their right to be vaccinated. “We need to continue ensuring that we do what we can to make vaccination accessible, easy and convenient to the South African public and through our existing partnerships we aim to reach more people”, said Bodiat.
These Vooma Vaccination Weekend outreach events will ensure that we maintain a committed team of volunteers so that we reach as many people as possible. The Houghton drive-thru site will host a number of pop-up #VacciNation days to accommodate residents that require their scheduled vaccine, including the second Pfizer jab.
JUSA is also part of the Religious Forum Against COVID-19 (RFA) – an inter-faith collaboration of various religious communities standing together under the #VaxuMzanizi campaign to fight the spread of the pandemic alongside all civil society structures,
#GPVacciNation #UbuntuInAction
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